
Thursday 25 December 2014


Solid 24
Zero with 3 parallel axis. ..
six spheres half axis
in the center three poles.

Empty 12
Space with 3 parallel axis. .
six spheres empty half axis
in the center two poles.

Bent 9
Infinity with 3 parallel axis .
half spheres that are closing
around Time
disappearing with energy to matter conversion after time affects Zero into, what could have been the dawn of reality.
Infinity is found to have one pole as it constantly disappears when created.

Time 6
can best be described as 3 axis
with the intersection of the three
stopped at the same thing of one disk round covered each half axis.
2 - 4 = 1     as      4 = 1
1 would be time in the sense of the constant
it is found as 6 where in space everything is fixed such as levels degrees and dimensions. ...meaning nothing is going anywhere.
Time is a gate letting in no stray dimensions
it stops the formation of what should not exist
it does not work beyond Zero
it comes from within Zero.

has no pole and no
axis as it does not
what we see in our
physical and mental
is a combination of
the above.
Linear Space Distance Time. 24

As Matter
is formed I do not know
for I do not have a super computer
a grade nine education and experience writing posts has been from a handheld.

I speculate either a large
bubble of zero/space/phased into the whole thing as of what was left in the center by distribution of energy
breaking down by scale (physical) into smaller and smaller particals
thus field wave charge determined which..

Or there is this really cool idea that you can form clouds of matter not as gas but as open particles separate from one another by infinity dynamic and these collect into larger bodies of neutrons which determined by proximity become proton or electron. .or stay
these layers of matter as they become mass would in a few days
fall into traps of definition being stars and planets

Tread lightly in the subject cause no one knows.

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