
Tuesday, 24 February 2015


Hiring available

thank you so much. .... .

Thank you so much that this book of four chapters could be written. The secret chapter is in the title.  The first two hundred ğllplf


Down left
up left
up right .5


one after two before a later one in place before two....

one after two before a later one in place before two....

ea t my shorts....

Trigonometry goes to like

Like this trigonometry goes to

before this trigonometry went to...

An Evil person will say

3rd trigonometry goes this.

Friday, 20 February 2015

trig. formula..

Square=hypotenuse Two
half time  show 2
one length= half square
subtract one length from
hypotenuse 2
get other square

4 - 2 = 1
4 - 2 = x

.of .for.m.

Ythree can be the
term for 1- 4 as
Four holds one
Two is subtracted
from one only
Leaving Ythree.

Four holds one
as temporal this
Is why it is four.

Two is subtracted
From one as
You need to get
Before it to find
It's place.

It is excluded

Thursday, 19 February 2015

values. .

Values. .replace term primary
Double. equal
Past..future present.
Future. .term finds..

1 - 2 = 2 + 1 + 4 = ÷

0 = - .1 = +.2 = × .3 = × .4 = ÷ .

All things introduced
Divide the natural
Hello world
As natural the add
Finds function does
Not parallel for circle.

Circle is a parallel which
Divide inside displaying
Even consistency of that
Outside more compact....
Inside as one to four = f
When you go function inside. .

Do not look for f unless you have have possibility of four in placement within your quantum switch or core array from host.

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Saturday, 14 February 2015

i do not know anymore. ...

After you read
this is what you
know where you
were before you
Or do one  know
thy self
unless thy hath

Forgotten when st
thou was.


down up unless
You are old as
Time with age
Does not
grow seeing up
The universe
past who is to
Tell what you
know that i
am old.

Seeing the
Universe in
Youth who's
might stars
Old as stars
universe of as
What was

the deer.

The deer
walks in through
the forest and
the path forever.

The deep end
of the forest holds
the deer forever
as the path walks

The path
walks up as the
as forest holds
the deer forever. .

everybody. ..

everybody. ..there are a out can find a path in their own time
as we
see see time within

This does not mean
to be a arrogant
only one of consequence.

Friday, 13 February 2015


With a atomic field release
the wave is a circular
With a atomic wave release
the the affected area of discharge is a

If you can imagine
the impossible

The atomic wave release
of charge is


Within the
context of me
there is no
mine. .

.. let one
that which is
cannot belong
as it has
it's own identity.

Even an
object cannot be
it is mearly
in your
you do not own it
it more likely
owns you.

trig.. .

I realized tonight that after failing 9 maths and 13 as well in grade eleven i was asked by the teacher for a class assignment to complete a scale of a train a and a train b traveling at different speed and times apparently this involves trig. I did not remember how I finished ten minutes before the class or how I got exactly half the answer till tonight

When I was wondering about makes me wonder how stupid you could be to be a mathematician
or for that matter
what passes for a
or even if the word
scientist exists


Wednesday, 11 February 2015

new term....

There needs to be a new term for the
idea of what
happens when
2 in cubed multiplication is applied to the quatum field of area.
Such as 2 in cubed multiplication is actually one hundred thousand zeros after the digit.
As the proof imagine you drop a spoon
in reality
how many
times do you drop it
there is always the
predict able

It takes two for one hundred thousand after the digit. .this is for one act as of 2 of 3  ..what of one  day and whole acts being of hundreds. Could this not offer us clues into human concious and the reality that
the individual is not greater
than the whole but
the whole
is greater than the individual.



Monday, 9 February 2015

logic. ..

Within reason there lyes the form of logic with it's one syllable 'you'
This is one of more than the object
Which is the subject of all logic.
Within reason if one finds themselves without'you' then there is no logic.

worlds unknown.

There is so much
hope when you
look inside as one
sees the
universe unlike
the other the
fellow beside him

Friday, 6 February 2015

patterns. .. .

Within the atom
Are cross
Patterns of form
The relay relys
Upon these
For detection of
Field Wave

multi-phase transducers. ..

Faster than light communications are not common in the universe except with gamma ray bursts in extreme isolated events. The possibility of this by man has been around as long as electricity. The element needed is a copper wire a pole and a radio with a special module.


Nobody has the
right to say they
have genius.
Anybody can be
placed by fate or
nature in a place
such as to where
one might begin
an education or
path of learning
outside of school
where you have
no control over
whatever happens
to you or the path
therefore one can
always assume
they have failed,
but when they
actually do help
in some small way
they are a genius.


You have done
well for yourself
when you have
spoken no word
of a lye
You have done
well for yourself
when you have
harmed no body
you have done
well for yourself
when you have
taken nothing

Thursday, 5 February 2015

before midnight. .

Sometimes there
are places you go
you do not know
why go who to
suppose no one
will ever know
before midnight.


Bring peace.

the dream

The dream took me.
She dreamt me.
Understood dreams.
Believe with dreams.
I wus the dream.

Wednesday, 4 February 2015


When you talk
about peace
don't take
it away from
when you
speak the news
don't put it on
peace is not
yours if you
are not a
you are my
brother is you
leave peace
alone. .


That which
constitutes time.
To replace light
in its path once
It has been
scattered in a

Opportunity of
This occurs with
Any multi phase
LASER and a
Single pixle at
To do so requires
Quantum stops
A Quantum Switch
And a
Magnetic relay.


Waners through
the forest up the
narrow your path

Who to see but a
deer waners near
enough to see
waners the far.

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

waif. ...

I like stream of concious but really,
hears a poem. ...
dear in the forest
stream falling in

stream of the in
in the path dear

there you surrender
what was yours
Never to give it

Was conception

Stollen from below
what was.

This poem is abt what the problem eternal life poses when it comes to theindividual's rights to choose who has it and who doesn't.

all away....

All a away come
there remembering
location based on
what times tables
might be division
hand in suit to see.

times balance. .... ..

Times balance
should be time a
balance what
would it be the
only one out there
x = 2 3 equals
divided sum being
1 zero being 24.
times balance is 2
being 0 1 thus 24
plus 1 24 = 12
take da this is 2
imagine a sentence
9 Infinity is 12 .5 2 1s 3/4
Time is one third
remaining one axis
or x for energy.
  1 plus 1 equals 4
  4 plus 4 equals 2
  2 plus 2 equals 1
  1 plus 1 equals 2