
Saturday, 29 November 2014


What was the flame
hotter moved cooler down corridor

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Poist of differencial obstuity

As language is mear
timeing of short sort less
Bits pictures are one
more colorful  indefinitely

Sunday, 23 November 2014

high being....

Being high does not
Make you impaired
It is dangerous
Conditioning that makes
You an unsafe driver
Not an unsafe habit.


Friday, 21 November 2014


I what are we some sort of bobble heads or something.

It's your own reality KEEP IT..
no offense intended

Thursday, 20 November 2014

light choices. .

There is light inside an electron it will be chosen by the electron or the light will choose it..

Wednesday, 19 November 2014


Remember this is all stream of concious as it it is up to you to determine your own path and to write your own story.

without with zero. .. ...

With zero in 24 there is 24 dimensions as they do not reply to each other they were but they have been in a place as we see dimensions
to see a dimension one must have a temporal reality
as to the top of or bottom of this
the simplest way to get a chance to see a dimension is to have a loop from point of reconinig to reverse forward back around to a point of determination.

Such as 2 to 4 = six as 21

Monday, 17 November 2014

Saturday, 15 November 2014

option s

Make it an option to work twenty hours a week 4 an extra hundred per check. .


It's been proven you woke up on your side.

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

sound waves. ...

One going up twice
This makes half
One going up once
This makes half

half way..

When one sun is in the sky
One is half way up
The moon sets.

When the sun is in the sky
The moon sets.

Monday, 10 November 2014


Without light should
The zero theory of mine
Be at target pure
Darkness cannot exist
without light as it is
The result of something
in the way of zero.

time is a life.

Time is a life
in which light
without it
there would be
no home for
sounds like leaves
falling from a

This is a poem written by me


Gravity sits
It does
Not hold.

light waves.

When light travels through
matter it changes form..
This makes me wonder
..does the pool of an atom have an

Sunday, 9 November 2014

sounds of life

I breathe every breath in me to hear the sounds of life....the sounds
Of life are in me?not exclusively.

light profile

It is amazing how farther you can see into a hand of colors if the darker ones or red ones removed while one penetrates bright shapes and colors alone by lifting them out as we see the reds yellow white without shadow when you thow the handfull of color in the air whilste in the air see it is many bright shapes and colors with borders wherever for you may go