
Friday, 30 May 2014


You have got to keep the afterburn open as you propel the empty chamber against the vastness of space to see atom electron
weightless above its own height
Yellow both white and red quarters
And is black and is yellow grey

In any time


Thursday, 29 May 2014

left to right

Has anyone bothered to look into why things all orbit left to right. .. .
Isn't a big coincidence


Wouldn't an electron be a tiny point of yellow white light. With magnetic field
Darkness wave parallel circumference
                               absence within

These could be situated at a constant. ...
interval in a three dimensional grid cube
Maintaining bottom left means
Keeping a symmetrical cube without a

one up one down

Up from down
Top up from down

now bottom left

It's always bottom left
it's never bottom left. .. .
It's never without being bottom left
You've got from the right.
This is a poem by Walter frederick 1971.23.11

Monday, 26 May 2014

quantum parallel. ...

In space time or a quantum core processor array the option to have two items called x in separate parallels of a pair exists. This means that you can have one parallel examine an x while the other different parallel contains up to an indefinite number of target parallels. While this is like the core or space I like to think so.

The universe by shoewus....

Today I will have this

time 6 absence of movement as six axis parallel to 12 by parallel to twenty four.

Zero. 24 is six spheres of zero expanding

Space.12 is six disc's of space expanding

Infinity. 9 is six up and sideways expanding

Time.6 is six parallel axis of non movement

Matter.3 the breaks to stop infinity by time

Particle. 2 matter coelse to parallel atoms

Field. 1 single axis time barrier in space

Wave.2 parallel axis time barrier in space

Charge.1 single axis parallel in matter.

Saturday, 24 May 2014

about algebra. ...

All I have been educated with is grade nine algebra or ten I do not know but this is why there is no information about trigonometry. Thank you

beautiful day

I went for a walk in the morning and then looked up to see a beautiful day


I had intended to go to the river valley Monday now I do not think so.


My painting is coming along well
The work before is of an obelisk.

Friday, 23 May 2014

before and after. .

Simple cubes are good for
Before and After. .
any linear point of terminus.

Thursday, 22 May 2014

dna and simple cube..


1.3.2. .1.3.2. .1.3.2. .1.3.2. .
2.4.3. .4.1.4. .2.4.3. .4.1.4. .

I started the process of creating the same thing as a result the simple cube of dna is appearing every time.
Up Ten
Side ten
Forward Ten
Like a swimming pool is meant by the way a 1234 would become ten. Finally the quantum array moves up by q-bits as a whole without a mistake. This means the levels are continuous forward and reverse and may be moving.


Quantum core reactor
Quantum shield
Gravity lift
720 lift
Travel without plot
Travel through

Time suspension may be possible but foreseeable only in a localized space .


goes up from the algorithm through the host once it  has been progammed from what hardware it was with any software it may contain.
To the first quantum core processor with a q-bit program or quantum array level.
To the second level within the array as part of the algorithm to the best path back to the host.
To the third quantum core processor within the array as the possible completion of a loop to say it is one q-bit level for a new array of a virtual nature.

differenceiation of form. .

Ten up
Ten Side
Ten Forward
Like a swimming pool
This is a special cube found in a q-bit program or quantum core processor array there are many things to consider as you find your path.
The best way to explain it is 1234
3124 remember this from previous posts.
You have the above as a return with two opposites and the host in a given core but in a given array you have it as the virtually the same idea of form.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

uses for simple cube.

Up Ten
Side ten
Forward Ten
Like a swimming pool.

Try imagine the original path return.
The opposite two can find a linear.
This is how a quantum core processor
Functions with the return as the sort
The action memory sort of course.
The linear two paths opposite each
Are the one of action one of memory
The fourth is host .that's what it is like


Without me I am nothing.

orbit. ....

An orbit is a funny thing
We seem to think it flys
About an atom
When in a dream
I have seen the orbit stand
Still with the point of fixed
Gravitational axies at a specific
Stop beneath the orbit parallel
as the orbit would travel along
It's path mearly rotating without a

Kinda like a cross or a spot.
I don't think it was a dream

simple. cube...

Up Ten
Top Ten
forward Ten


Like a swimming pool

Monday, 19 May 2014

book .

This will be a 300 page book
With a focus on complementary
Physics and a understanding of
Computational physics as a form
To find the right place to stay in the
Universe as a human.

Red to yellow as yellow
White to black as white
White to blue as black
Orange as yellow.

Red White black

Red White black

Black would be matter in space
Red would be space after infinity
White would be infinity between
Space as well as time.
The only thing that is not an option
for you to be in the picture above is
Yellow with blue. So we think you'll
have one red what becomes yellow
As it 'stretches' through time.
White, becomes, blue as infinity turns
To time.
White is not obviously black as it must first
Find an orbit to it's circumference path.


Saturday, 17 May 2014

time and again....

    a fresh second
3    /   5ths    two fifths
___    ___

two one .5
___  ___  _  _  one third  /  one quarter


two thirds               one third


when it comes to quantum computing
powers should be left alone as they are
linear and not
square or cube
which make them much harder to deal with
and use to much more data.

within the system

Thursday, 15 May 2014


1.3.2. ..1.3.2. ..1.3.2
2.4.3. ..4.1.4. ..2.4.3

A point where continuous
occurs three times.
Once in the beginning
at the end twice.

faster than light plots. ...

Within a quantum core processor array
there is four temporal values which can be plotted one of which is static three that are
not the host but the upper three levels and
may be moving not only moved.
So we see the world of faster than light travel open up when the quantum array as a tool that can be applied toward a containment move it as a result around stars and galactic bodies as it travels simply through space.
The only thing that is a good idea to have a containment is a ship with a faster than light level.

quantum core fusion reactor. .

There is a limit to size.

i must be a complete. ....

Sure what we've got
is one line of data and more than
five outputs with more than two
this means for a core fusion reactor
you need a quantum core array.

This being said one could always use
a single quantum core processor with host.

Core fusion reactors are not always
unstable only a few minutes at startup.

Thank you

six points. ..

Six point magnetic containment
Six point magnetometer relay
This is all I have to say

unless you want to do build
an water to electricity reactor

Oh don't forget your three
Term inputs for the collection
of energy.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

tripolies. .

The variables of a group of multiple or many spheres what would be the consequence of a line counted as many therefore what is the best way to get the value or number value of the volume of the complete line.


Zero. Time. 24
Space. Time.12
Infinity. Time.9
Time. Static.6
Matter. Whole.3
Particle. Separate.2
Field. bubble.1

This will be a lot easier to use.

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

three 3 dimensions. ..

Three dimensions four times
Two dimensions three times. ..

painting at a certain level.

What do you do with the artist
when they paint the perfect work
exclusive of all else. expect them to
paint another.  .  .

I know the artist must paint at a
certain level.  But really if it's a
good work don't say it isn't.
I have only come across this
from one person
Thank You

Monday, 5 May 2014

Zero. 24 would be the first axis universal.
Space . 12
Infinity.  9
Time. 6 Would be the second axis universal.
Matter. 3
Particle. 2
Field. 1
Wave. 2
Charge. 1 Would be the third of the tri - axis universal.
We see an atomic structure
Perhaps this parallel scatters into a penta
fractal and becomes atomic structures.

flat out universe

Maybe the universe is round and not flat
maybe hydrogen has a proton. who knows

who actually thinks outside the box.
I know caos could rule the natural order
where there might be five or six rules
within how matter and what we perceive
as energy cooperate.

One might look at matter as an energy
free zone wherein a disturbance of plane
would be considered as energy.

Perhaps the universe is a form of matter.


One thing I have learned from history

I can tell you the truth
 it does not mean I am right

Sunday, 4 May 2014

can you prove an electron exists. ..

There is no way I will believe an
electron exists unless I can lick it
or see a quality photo.
There are several ways to prove a quark or a quantum particle exists one
of which is to prove electrons do.
I know this may not seem parallel
to my thinking however I know the
difference between a small particle
a large pools of tiny bits of data.
1/4 4/6 214
1/2 2/3 3/5

Saturday, 3 May 2014

asteroid belt.

Asteroid belts should be left alone..
unless you are good at
calculating orbits.

bottom left.

Dark top left light bottom right
coming in or going out. .
Dark top right light bottom left
coming in or going out
Dark bottom right light top left
coming in or going out
light top right Dark bottom left
going out.

frequency phase modulation. . . .

I wonder if you can call
a quantum core processor
frequency phase modulation.

As this value would be found

i will say one more thing. ..

I will say one more thing. ..
Every time you get a new brush
does not mean you will get a new

Friday, 2 May 2014

shock absorber...

Could the heart be a shock absorber

Who says

who says what I should say before I say


If someone is talented
it is because they are
not because you say
They are


1/4 as square
1/2 as 1/8th
duck 3/4or1/16th depending
this is useful getting to 100